Please ensure that you read them carefully and contact us if there is anything you would like further information on before you sign the consent form.
These terms and conditions (terms) set out the basis on which you will be provided treatment by Mr A. Siddiqui, Consultant Plastic Surgeon.
The prices are published on our website are as a guide and final price will be confirmed after the consultation based on the procedure and hospital, however, if you wish to clarify the details of the cost of any treatment or services, please contact us. We will always provide you with the cost of your care prior to treatment.
For any implant related procedure, you are responsible for the choice of implant which has been discussed and agreed between you and the surgeon, prior to surgery.
Surgery may be undertaken as an outpatient (day case) or an inpatient (one or more overnight stays) depending upon medical needs.
During surgery it may be necessary for the surgeon to perform additional procedure he deems necessary for your benefit. Photographs may be taken and will form part of your personal information held in line with the permission granted in your consent form.
What is included in the fixed price?
Your confirmation letter confirms the fixed price for the care you are to receive according to the procedure and hospital you have requested. The price includes:
- The surgeon’s fees and anaesthetist fee in relation to the procedure.
- Post-operative nursing care both in the treatment centre and post-discharge.
- Hospital fees
- Preassessment including MRSA test undertaken at the hospital/clinic.
- The cost of your implants, surgical garments, where applicable.
- Drugs and dressings required to complete your surgery.
- All post-operative consultations with the surgeon, regularly for 12 months after the surgery date.
What is NOT included in the fixed price?
- The cost of any additional support garment which you may wish to purchase.
- Occasionally, during the course of the operation, the surgeon may deem it necessary to undertake additional biopsy. The fee for this test is not included in your price. For Breast reduction surgery, tissues are sent for routine histological examination and it is included in the price of the surgery.
- Any other tests or treatments including, but not exclusively, blood tests, ECG, wound swabs, scans and private prescriptions as advised or recommended by the surgeon are not included in your price.
- MRSA test undertaken by post incurs a postage/handling fee which will be advised to you upon request.
- The cost of any transport to and/or from hospital/clinics.
- You will need to obtain a copy of your medical records for us to review before surgery. Depending on your medical history, we may ask you to obtain a letter from your G.P. giving their consent to go ahead with cosmetic surgery. There is usually a fee payable for these services, for which you are responsible.
- Covid-19. Additional terms and conditions have been introduced. Please see Appendix 1.
A payment of €1000 deposit is required at the time of booking your surgery. The remaining balance needs to be fully settled not later than three calendar weeks before the surgery date. For patients undergoing procedure at Nuffield Hospital, all payment will be collected by the hospital.
If you decide not to go ahead with your procedure after booking the surgery, you will need to pay for the care you have received up until the point of cancellation. If the cancellation is within three working weeks before your surgery date, the deposit will not be returned. If you decide to postpone and rebook your surgery, then you may have to pay fees relating to hospital costs depending upon the amount of notice you give. Any fees in this scenario will be discussed on a case by case basis.
What happens if we cancel surgery?
We may need to cancel your surgery due to clinical reasons. Where this is necessary it will be a decision of your consultant, or part of the clinical team associated with your care, on grounds of your clinical safety or in the interest of your health and wellbeing. In such instances we will refund the fixed price paid minus booking charges and any third-party costs charged to us (for example hospital fees and pre-operative test fees). If surgery goes ahead at a later date additional fees for pre-operative tests may apply.
If your surgery is cancelled because we have not received your medical records and/or the letter from your G.P. confirming your fitness for surgery at least fourteen days before your surgery date you may lose your deposit.
Sometimes it may be necessary to cancel your surgery for non-clinical reasons. We will provide you with a reason why the cancellation is necessary. Where this is the case we will give you as much notice as possible. We will rearrange your surgery as soon as possible and agree on a date with you. Where we rearrange your surgery within a reasonable period we will not refund any sums paid by you. We will not be liable for loss or consequential loss as a result of unavoidable cancellations.
What happens if I suffer complications?
Your first point of contact after your surgery is hospital nursing team, whose contact details are provided to you at the time of discharge.
While the consultants and the hospital do their best to ensure a satisfactory outcome, no clinical procedure is entirely risk free and the results of any surgery cannot be guaranteed with complete certainty. There are no guarantees stated or implied as to the results of the operation(s), and there is no such concept as perfection, which is subjective.
Your fixed price includes the cost of treating any clinical complications identified by your consultant arising directly out of the treatment you received as part of your treatment package, provided you have followed the advice of your consultants and any other medical professionals involved in your care. This includes keeping all follow up appointments as arranged. Where we are unable to treat your clinical complications, you agree that appropriate follow up care may be provided by your GP or the NHS.
You may feel an adjustment to the operation is necessary at a later date to achieve an optimum result. You will be responsible for any fees due should you require an adjustment and it be a case of there not being any fault attached to the procedure so far as the surgeon or the clinic are concerned and the surgeon deems the outcome to fall within the acceptable normal limits of surgery. An adjustment procedure will only take place where you and the surgeon are in agreement and a second opinion may be requested by another consultant plastic surgeon. Any decision about revision surgery will only be made after a suitable period of time, at the consultant’s discretion subject to a minimum period of 6 months from the original surgery, unless there is a medical emergency.
Where a revision procedure is required/agreed, any variance to the procedure actually required, for example a change in implant size, will be charged. We do not cover loss of earnings or any other out of pocket expenses of you or any chaperone.
If we agree revision surgery, in line with the aforementioned terms, and you postpone and rebook your surgery then you may have to pay fees relating to third party costs depending upon the amount of notice you give. Any fees in this scenario will be discussed on a case by case basis.
Where an agreement cannot be reached the view of an independent surgeon may be sought.
If you have revision surgery with another surgeon without our prior consent and agreement, then this will invalidate these terms and conditions.
- You will be under the care of the consultant, who may also involve other consultants, fellows/registrars, duty doctor, surgical assistants, theatre scrub nurses, ward nurses in your care, where appropriate. These will be under direct/indirect supervision of the consultant.
- You agree to follow advice provided by all the medical professionals and representatives involved in your care. If you fail to attend two consecutive post-operative review appointments without any information, we are no longer obliged to offer further appointments. Occasionally you may be recommended or instructed to seek guidance/treatment from your GP or other NHS services. This may be before surgery or after it. Advice may include waiting appropriate timescales post-surgery to allow for wounds, scarring and any inflammation to settle down. Failure to follow the advice given may invalidate these terms and conditions.
- Your contract: By signing the Consent Form, you agree to be bound by these terms. If there is any conflict between these terms and the consent forms or confirmation letter, these terms will take precedence. We may update these terms from time to time, however, any changes will only apply to any new episode of care or new surgery which you receive. You agree to be bound by the terms in force at the time you complete the Consent form.
- Changes in applicable law: you acknowledge and accept that Applicable Law may change and prevent us from providing certain care. If we become aware that such a change has occurred, and the change has an effect on your surgery, we will contact you to inform you of this and its consequences.
- Assignment: We may transfer and assign your contract to any person who acquires all or substantially all of the assets or business including care of all patients under care of Mr Siddiqui.
- Third party rights: Except for you or us, no person, company or organisation will have any rights under or in connection with these terms. You agree to indemnify us against any claims brought by a third party in connection with your care.
- Law and the courts: These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction.
- Complaints: please refer to our separate Complaints Policy which is on our website
- “Applicable Law” means any and all laws, regulations, guidelines and professional obligations applicable to the provision of care or the performance of services for you, including the requirements as regards treatment, procurement, research and storage of reproductive material. “Care” means care, treatment, diagnosis, services (including sundry items) and goods provided by us.
- “Confirmation letter” means the letter we send to you regarding your proposed surgery.
- “Consultants” means all consultants, surgeons and anaesthetists involved in your care. The words surgeon and consultant are interchangeable.
- “Contract” means these terms, along with the Post Consultation Consent form and your confirmation letter from us.
- “Fixed price” means how much you will pay as set out in your confirmation letter.
- “Terms” means these terms and conditions
We in conjunction with the hospitals and clinics work with and in line with UK Government regulations relating to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has introduced additional terms and conditions which are outlined in this appendix to our General Terms and Conditions. The two documents are to be read and accepted as one.
The additional measures have been introduced to protect you, other patients and the staff, both medical and administrative, with whom you have dealings. These can change with hospital updates related to covid19 and/or UK Government changes to regulations.
It is imperative you follow these instructions. Failure to do so could lead to your surgery being cancelled without refund of payments made by you.
Screening for Covid-19
You will be asked to complete our Covid-19 health questionnaire. If you have to answer yes to any of the questions, you will be unable to attend clinic until such time as you are able to answer no to all of the questions.
What to Expect when Attending Clinic and Revised Action for you to take
When you attend clinic, the medical staff who attend to you in the clinical environment will be wearing personal protective equipment including a face mask. Clinic rooms will be disinfected between each patient appointment, so clinic times will take a little longer than usual. Please attend the clinic on your own (guardians/carers for medical reasons will be accommodated where necessary but will have to follow these Covid-19 protocols). Anyone you have travelled with will have to wait outside the building.
Please Bring you own face mask or covering which you will need to wear whilst you are in the hospital/clinic. Please also bring at least one pair of disposable gloves.
You will need to wait outside the hospital/clinic until your appointment time to minimise the number of people in the communal waiting area and so maintain a social distance. About 5 minutes before your appointment please contact the reception team following the guidance on the poster at the entrance.
Upon entering the building, you will have your temperature checked by the reception team. If your temperature is raised you will not be allowed to enter. You will also be required to use hand sanitiser at the same time. The water fountains and drinks machines will not be available. You may bring your own bottled drink.
To help reduce the risk of contamination and the possible spread of Covid-19 please do not bring any handbags or unnecessary additional items to your appointment. Please bring your own tissues and a suitable plastic bag in which to dispose of used tissues. You will need to take these home with you along with any other personal items for disposal e.g. a drinks bottle. The hospital/clinic dustbins will be for restricted use only.
If you are wishing to have a Breast Augmentation with implants, please bring your own bra with which you may test the different implant sizes. This bra needs to be unpadded and stretchy within the cup to accommodate the additional size. Alternatively bring a bra of the cup size you would like to be.
For breast enlargement, we also recommend you bring a tight, light coloured top for you to be able to see the impact of the different implant sizes.
Additional Requirements Relating to Surgery
Once you have decided to go ahead with surgery you will need to social distance as per existing hospital policy and maintain hygiene prior to your surgery date and self-isolate from the date of your Covid-19 test until your operation. Self-isolation means remaining at home and mixing with other household members as little as possible, preferably not at all. This is to minimise your risk of catching Covid-19. You need to follow the same principles as the Government advice on “Staying at Home and Shielding” which says:
- Do not leave your house.
- Do not attend any gatherings, including gatherings of friends and families in private spaces, for example, family homes, weddings and religious services.
- Strictly avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Further advice on this may be found on the official UK Government website,
You will be required to have a Covid-19 test, to ascertain you are clear of infection. If this test returns a positive result, then your surgery will be cancelled and your refund calculated under Condition 9 “What happens if we cancel my surgery”.
Overnight patients will be discharged by 9:00 AM the following day unless there is a medical reason preventing this.
Additional advice and guidance about infection control will be given by the surgeon and nurses prior to your surgery.