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breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction in a 32-year-old lady with excision of 621 grams from right breast and 683 grams from left breast and liposuction of 200 cc in total. the results are 3 months post operative.

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

A 36-year-old lady with pain in neck and back with increased breast size, underwent breast reduction and liposuction. 582 grams taken out from right breast and 634 grams from left breast and both breast had liposuction of 200 cc each. the results are 3 month post operation.

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

42 year old suffering from back pain, neck pain, and rashes. Tissues removed 512 gm and 518 gas

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 34 years old

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 47 years old

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 51 years old

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 61 years old

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 416 gm and 376 gm removed. 51 year old

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 468 gm and 854 gas. 22 years old

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 509 gm and 489 gm removed. 65 years old

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 520 gm and 504 gm removed. 33 years old. 36FF to 36 C

breast reduction before after

Breast reduction. 616 gm, 578 gm removed. 30 years old

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

breast reduction before after

Mommy makeover with breast reduction and tummy tuck with muscle repair and liposuction flanks. 6 weeks after procedure

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